Friday, January 27, 2012


     I am attempting a blog, again. I have toyed with the idea off and on for a couple of months and finally decided to go with it and see if there would be more follow through this time. Follow through, that is something that I have a really difficult time with concerning certain things in my life. I think it might be a focus-related issue.
      Saturdays are usually a time of relaxation for me. It is currently a Saturday morning, a couple of minutes before noon. Today I have done nothing but sit and be still for a change. I attempted to do laundry, but the washing machine stopped working half way through the first load, so my clothes have been soaking for a couple of hours until my host mother comes home and solves whatever the problem with it is.  I drank my morning coffee, talked with my cousin, ate some samsa and read a book. I am supposed to tutor this afternoon, but I am stil not sure if that will happen. I have a stack of notebooks to make my way through and grade sometime within the next forty eight hours. I will get around to it, eventualy =)
       I am sitting on my bed in my room listening to Bebo Norman, watching a Yankee Candle burn and looking at all the memories that surround me in my room. Pictures of places I have been, people I have known and all the many blessings that have been given to me over the years. Why do I want to blog? I think part of it is to share this journey I am on with others, I want to share the things I learn, observe and experience. I want to share the moments that make me laugh and cry, that cause me to throw my hands up in utter frustration or dance for joy. I want to live and share life along the way, even if it is through an electronic avenue.

       I have lived in Tashkent for sixteen months now and I can hardly believe it. In some regards the time has flown by while in others it seems like I have been here an eternity. Life here is so utterly different than the life I left behind in the US, but I do not even know how to begin to describe the differences. So many little things that were so foreign at first but have become my normal. So many little things that I have seen and has allowed me to see the differences and the similarities between reality in the here and now and reality from the past. Oh, reality. How harsh you are at some times while at others you are almost unbearably gentle. Life is SO FULL it blows me away when I take time to slow down, step back, and see the many blessings that come from above. I am so grateful that I have the opportunity to serve a God who is so generous with his children.

This week, I was reminded of these timeless truths:
I know that if I followed these truths more often, that my life would be vastly different.
I shall continue to strive, we shall see what the end results are...

"Shahina-opa, we are going to play school okay? I will teach you Uzbek and you can teach me Russian, alright?"

Beauty Shop with my host sister =)

Funny face =)


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